Are you a carer?
Carers are people who spend a significant proportion of their time providing unpaid support to relatives, friends or neighbours who are ill, frail, disabled or who have mental health or substance misuse problems.
Anyone can become a carer at any age and stage of their life. Carers often have to juggle their caring responsibilities with work/education, family, friends and everyday life. This can sometimes prove difficult and as a result the health and wellbeing of the carer can suffer.
Letting us know you’re a carer can help us to support you in your caring role. To register as a carer at the surgery please complete the carers registration form.
Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
0808 808 7777
Carers UK
info@carersuk.orgSocial care and support guide
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.
NHS: Social care and support guideCarers in Bedfordshire
Carers in Bedfordshire is a not for profit registered charity providing support for carers of family members and friends throughout Bedfordshire.
0300 111 1919